A browser extension built in 2017 to tackle crypto phishing and offer a suite of utility tools.
👉 Browser Web Store
👉 GitHub Repo
EAL will scan for Ethereum addresses (0x661b5...69b38bc) that aren't in an anchor tag on the page and link them to your favourite explorer - now all Ethereum address strings link to a block explorer.
Also, if you hover over the address, it will tell you how much ETH is associated with the address and how many transactions out it has!
EAL has 3 domain blacklists that are updated daily to ensure you don't browse to known malicious domains designed to steal your private keys/$ETH
EAL stores these blacklists locally so no third-party server is being hit on every page load. Blacklists are pulled every ~5 minutes from Infura and Github servers.
Get protected by;
With a click of a button you can check your browser history to see if you've recently been on a now-known bad domain.
Search the blockchain with an 0x address or transaction hash and get human readable results.
Bookmark your favourite cryptocurrency related domains to be shown in the extension. No need to remember domains or trust links when you can use these bookmarks.
Make all RPC calls go to your own node so you know you can rely on the data given back about addresses.
EAL comes supplied with a Quiknode node so you can use this feature if you don't have your own node.
Get a warning badge and a verified badge next to Twitter handles - data you can trust. This is EALs way to combat phishing/scams on Twitter
You can add color-coded labels to addresses so you can quickly lookup or identify an address.
The labels show up when you hover on each address too!